Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2019/20 of the ACT Region Veteran Golfers Association (ACTRVGA) Incorporated.
Date: 22nd February 2021.
Venue: Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club
These are the minutes of the 2020 AGM, which could not be held in 2020 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic restrictions.
The meeting was held over until 22/02/2021. The meeting commenced at 1:15 pm. There were 85 members in attendance.
Apologies: F.Reilly, D.Gabbitas, J.Moir, R.Duncan.
The President, Alan Chrisp opened the meeting and called for a minutes silence in memory of the members who had passed away during the past 12 months. Recently deceased members mentioned were Vince Evert, Ron Merritt, Don James, Derek Martin and Bruce Hassall.
Minutes of the 2019 AGM: The minutes as published on the ACTRVGA website were taken as read and this was confirmed on a motion moved by P.Sydney and seconded by D.Porter. There was no business arising.
Correspondence: David Marron (Secretary) stated that correspondence received during the year consisted of:
- Annual return request from ACT Government
- Insurance renewal
Presidents Report: Alan Chrisp (President) presented his annual report. This has been available to members on the ACTRVGA website. He acknowledged the voluntary work done over the year by fellow committee members in running the organisation and weekly competitions, welcomed the many new members to the Association and congratulated the 2020 championship winners and winners of the other significant annual competitions and trophies.
Alan stated that the holding of the AVGU National Championships programmed for Yarrawonga, Victoria were still in the air again because of the fluidity of the Covid – 19 situation.
The AVGU Championships scheduled for Canberra in 2023 will go ahead and planning must soon get underway.
The motion for the adoption of the Presidents Report was moved by A.Booth and seconded by A.Jamonts and carried.
Treasurers Report: Joe Gunning (Treasurer) presented a Treasurers report including the audited statement of accounts and financial report as had been published on the ACTRVGA website. Paul Scollen was thanked for performing the official audit of the accounts.
It was noted that the ACTRVGA finances are in a healthy financial position and were carrying a slight loss of $29 at the EOFY. The total financial assets of the association were in the order of $58,000.This was despite a loss of sponsorship due to Covid – 19 pandemic effect on our major sponsors.
The motion to adopt the Treasurers report was moved by A.Booth and seconded by A.Jamonts and carried.
It was resolved that Paul Scollen will be approached by the committee to conduct the 2020/21 audit as is required.
Captains Report: Chris Morgan (Captain) presented the Captains Report to the meeting as had been published on the ACTRVGA website.
Chris thanked the Committee for their support over the year and acknowledged the support from the various clubs especially the pro shop staff ACTRVGA had received during the year.
Chris stated that other than Queanbeyan, all clubs had held their green fees charged to ACTRVGA players at the previous years levels.
Players were asked to exercise some due diligence on the booking sheets by removing their names if they are not playing or their partners are not playing. The issue of non – notification of late cancellations will be discussed at Committee level.
Chris welcomed the new members and stated that work on 2022 program will commence in July.
The motion to adopt the Captains report was moved by A.Jamonts seconded by C.Dunstone and carried.
Life Membership: The President Alan Chrisp, proposed to the meeting that the Association confer Life Membership to long time player and member Roger Mackay. Roger had served on the Committee for many years, maintaining the fixture and booking sheet system, the Public Officer role as well as providing legal expertise to the ACTRVGA when required.
The proposal was adopted unanimously by the meeting and Roger Mackay was conferred Life Membership of the ACTRVGA.
Committee Elections: Under the rules of the Association there was a requirement to elect a new committee at this AGM.
The previous committee stood down and most members offered themselves for re-election. P.Sydney and R.Mackay did not seek re-election. Nominations for election to the committee were also received from M.Harrison and C.Dunstone.
The election was held and the new committee elected
The ACTRVGA Committee for 2020/2022 is:
President Alan Chrisp.
Secretary: David Marron.
Treasurer: Joe Gunning
Captain: Chris Morgan
Public Officer David Marron
Committee: Alan Booth, Brian Holley, Andy Jamonts, David Porter, Marian Blake and Grant Verco, Michael Harrison, Chris Dunstone together with ex-officio Committee members Mike Greep and Ian Wallace.
General Business:
2022 AVGU National Championships – Canberra
Alan Chrisp (President) advised the meeting that the planning of 2023 AVGU Championships needed to resume again now that the Covid – 19 crisis had subsided somewhat
He mentioned that we would be expecting to cater for approximately 400 golfers and 150 non-playing partners based on previous championships.
It is estimated that ACTRVGA would need to seek about 100 volunteers from our member’s ranks to provide assistance in many ways to run a successful 2023 AVGU National Championships in Canberra.
ACTRVGA Website Update
Andy Jamonts (Webmaster) advised the meeting that there will be substantial re – modelling of the website frontend (look and feel ) and homepage over the coming months. The developer will perform the work with input from our Committee.
The booking system will not change
He asked the meeting for volunteers with website development experience to make themselves known to him if they could help.
Meeting Closed at 2:30 pm.
David Marron
Secretary ACTRVGA.